AMMAN, JORDAN — Jordan, a limited producer of cereal grains gradually building up its grain reserves, will import 1.3 million tonnes of wheat in marketing year 2022-23, according to a Global Agricultural Information Network report from the Foreign Agricultural Service of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Jordan is among the poorest water resourced countries on Earth, severely limiting its ability to grow crops. As a result, Jordan’s domestic production of cereals is negligible, and most of its needs are met through imports. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has a direct impact on Jordan, which imports most of its wheat and barley from the Black Sea region. 

Jordan’s wheat production in 2022-23 is expected to reach 30,000 tonnes, which is less than a two-week supply of the country’s annual consumption needs, forecast at 960,000 tonnes. Barley consumption is expected to decrease to 720,000 tonnes in 2022-23, with 1.1 million tonnes of imports as part of the nation’s efforts to build up reserves.

“The government of Jordan has gradually been implementing a practical food security strategy based on purchasing wheat and barley and building up an inventory inside the country,” the USDA said. “The government is aiming to build up reserves to at least 1.5 years’ worth of consumption but doesn’t have a target date for this endeavor.”

In 2022-23, corn imports are forecast to increase to 950,000 tonnes, with US origin corn expected to supply 100,000 tonnes. Imports and consumption fluctuation are expected due to the impacts of the war in Ukraine and COVID-19 on market stability, coupled with fears of feed shortage, all of which are driving purchase decisions.

Rice imports will amount to 220,000 tonnes, of which the US will be the top supplier with 70,000 tonnes, owing to US market development efforts.