World Grain
G3 Canada_Trois-Rivières Québec terminal

G3 Canada's Trois-Rivières Québec, terminal. Photo courtesy of G3.

G3 terminal handles record grain imports


WINNIPEG, MANITOBA, CANADA — G3 Canada has handled more than 160,000 tonnes of grain shipped from overseas to its port terminal in Trois-Rivières, Québec, in 2022, already a record import amount for one year at the facility, according to the company.

Due to a shortage of some crops caused by drought last year in Western Canada, food and beverage companies unable to source enough grain domestically contracted with G3 to facilitate imports from overseas.

G3’s grain handling operation at Trois-Rivières is focused chiefly on loading ships for export but is also the only facility on the Great Lakes – St. Lawrence Seaway System able to unload grain from large Panamax ships and transfer it to truck, train, or smaller vessels. G3 Trois-Rivières recently unloaded 30,000 tonnes of grain from a single vessel from an overseas supplier.

“G3’s facilities have built a reputation for fast, safe, and efficient movement of grain to worldwide markets,” said Don Chapman, chief executive officer of G3. “But we are also providing important capacity to import grain when needed.”

G3’s terminal at the Port of Trois-Rivières has been working around the clock to facilitate the big increase in imports, while continuing to receive thousands of truckloads of corn, soybeans and other crops from Quebec farms and loading it onto vessels for export.

According to Sosland Publishing’s 2022 Grain & Milling Annual, G3, which is headquartered in Winnipeg, Manitoba, has 22 licensed grain storage facilities with 50.06 million bushels of storage. In addition to Trois-Rivières, G3 operates grain terminal facilities in North Vancouver, British Columbia; and Hamilton and Thunder Bay, Ontario.