ROTTERDAM, NETHERLANDS — Louis Dreyfus Company (LDC) in its 2022 Sustainability Report, released on June 26, outlined environmental, social and governance (ESG) progress, including in specific supply chains, and highlighting key strides in the company’s journey to reduce its environmental footprint, through action to help shape a more sustainable food and agricultural system and contribute to global climate goals.

“In a world where sustainability issues have accelerated, expectations and regulation for responsible business practices and supply chains are increasing, as consumers expect purchase decisions to support environmental conservation and socioeconomic development, protecting people and planet,” said Michael Gelchie, chief executive officer of LDC. “Our position enables us to influence our value chains toward positive and sustainable change, presenting both opportunities and challenges that we firmly believe can and should be addressed through increased collaboration among all production chain stakeholders.”

Going beyond the sectoral roadmap announced at COP27, LDC committed in 2022 to eliminate deforestation and conversion of native vegetation of high conservation value for agricultural purposes from its supply chains by the end of 2025, adopting deforestation and native vegetation conversion reference dates at November 2016 for palm and January 2020 for soy and other commodities.

“Promoting responsible land use by avoiding loss or degradation of natural habitats is a critical enabler for climate change mitigation and biodiversity and water conservation,” said Murilo Parada, chief sustainability officer. “This resonates with our work to eliminate deforestation and native vegetation conversion for agricultural purposes in our supply chains, by driving product traceability, certification and verification, incentivizing and empowering farmers to embrace more sustainable agricultural practices, and working toward Group-wide responsible sourcing policies and protocols.”

In 2022, LDC also exceeded its five-year targets across its four environmental key performance indicators (greenhouse gas emissions, electricity and energy consumption, water usage and solid waste sent to landfill) and pushed ahead with groundwork to set its target for Scope 1 and 2 emissions reductions of 33.6% by 2030 (compared to a 2022 baseline), announced in March 2023. This target is aligned with Science-Based Targets initiative criteria and consistent with the Paris Agreement goal to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.

LDC also reported another record year in terms of safety performance indexes, with the lowest ever reported accident frequency and gravity rates, thanks to record investment into safety, health and environment (SHE) enhancements and awareness campaigns, as well as the diligence of LDC teams worldwide to work safely, adopt healthy habits and act for the environment.

“At LDC, we believe we have both a duty and a vital role to play in shaping a fair and sustainable future for a growing population,” Gelchie said. “The Group will continue to work in this sense in 2023 and beyond, through continued action to reduce our environmental footprint, empower and protect the people working for and with LDC, and set standards for responsible practices and behaviors — within the company and across our value chains.”

LDC’s 2022 Sustainability Report is available at