MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA, US — Chuck Kunisch has been elected president of the board of directors for the Grain and Elevator Processing Society (GEAPS), the organization recently announced.

A GEAPS member for 21 years, Kunisch is corporate safety director and specialty soybean manager for Michigan Agricultural Commodities, Lansing, Michigan, US. 

“I am honored to be elected as president of GEAPS,” he said. “The roll call of past presidents is impressive indeed. It will take a lot of effort to match up with them, but with the help of the GEAPS board and your help, I will do the best I possibly can to lead this great organization for the next year. While I feel the weight of the past, I am also looking to the future of GEAPS, and I am very excited about our future.”    

Chris Blair, who served as GEAPS president for the past year, assumes the role of chairman of the board. Blair serves as Western district manager at NEW Cooperative, Inc., in Pomeroy, Iowa, US. Blair, from GEAPS Greater Iowa chapter, has been with GEAPS for 16 years.  

“This last year proved to be a great challenge and experience for me as board president,” Blair said. “It helped me gain speaking confidence and personally grow as a leader, while at the same time being able to get a better understanding of the integral aspects of GEAPS. I am pleased to hand off the reins to Chuck Kunisch and know he will do an amazing job fulfilling the presidential role.”  

Austin Carpenter, sales manager at Clear Creek & Associates, Inc., Crown Point, Indiana, US, moves up to fill the role of first vice president. He has been a GEAPS member since 2010 and previously served on GEAPS’ associates’ board.