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Dale Presnell_Hayes & Stolz_AFIA KSU Feed Manufacturing Lifetime Achievement Award_©AFIA_e.jpg

Dale Presnell, former owner and president of Hayes & Stolz Industrial Manufacturing Co.

| Credit: ©AFIA

Presnell receives AFIA honor


TUCSON, ARIZONA, US — The American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) recognized Dale Presnell, former owner and president of Hayes & Stolz Industrial Manufacturing Co., with the AFIA-Kansas State University (KSU) Feed Manufacturing Lifetime Achievement Award for his lifelong contributions to the feed industry through business.

Gary Huddleston, director of feed manufacturing and regulatory affairs at the AFIA, and Mike Schuster of Laidig Systems, Inc., announced the award to attendees of AFIA’s Equipment Manufacturers Conference, this week in Tucson.

“Dale has been a positive advocate and supporter of the animal feed industry, contributing his time to improving the outlook for equipment manufacturers throughout his many years of AFIA committee involvement,” Huddleston said. “He has been credited as being the ‘glue’ that kept that committee together during challenging times, and the force behind its work to grow the scholarship program to support future industry leaders.” 

Presnell started his career with Hayes & Stolz in 1975. Under his leadership, the company researched and developed new equipment and equipment enhancements, with the intent to help their customers.

Presnell’s contributions to the feed industry went beyond being an equipment supplier. A member of the AFIA before his retirement, he played an active role in AFIA’s Equipment Manufacturers Committee for many years. Being associated with both the AFIA and committee allowed Presnell to form strong relationships with his customers, industry associates and other equipment suppliers, helping the community grow, Huddleston said.

The EMC’s scholarship program has been one of Presnell’s legacies. He encouraged the committee to grow the scholarship fund from providing $2,000 annually to students to $25,000 annually, which it stands at today, a testament to his work helping industry support the next generation workforce.

The AFIA-KSU Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes US animal food industry retirees, or those who are no longer serving the industry or allied industries, who have made a significant contribution to the US animal food manufacturing business throughout their careers. Individuals are nominated in the areas of business, science and technology. The AFIA and KSU first presented the award in 1995 and only 23 individuals have received the award.